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Oriel Garden Play Returns with ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’

This new student-run production will see First Quad become both theatre and forest, in which meddling fairies, runaway lovers, and feuding royals cross paths. Heartbreak, mistaken identities, and transformations abound… and of course, hilarity ensues.

Directed by Ellie Greaves, a third year historian, and produced by Katie Rennie, a second year linguist and student filmmaker, this rendition’s focus is on playing with the confusion of each scene, both physically and verbally. Audiences will witness a graduation (or descent!) from what is fundamentally a repressed, upright society to the capriciousness of the forest. Each of the characters has to continually question their own moral respectability whilst under the influence of faerie mischief, and in the process, are liberated in many ways.

Performances will take place on:

Friday 17th June, 8pm – 11pm

Saturday 18th June, 1pm – 4pm

Saturday 18th June, 6pm-9pm

Due to some mature themes, the performances are suitable for those aged 12+.

All are welcome, and you can book a place at the performance of your choice here.