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Funding and grants for postgraduate students

Teaching and Research Scholarships

Every year the College appoints postgraduate students to Scholarships which have a substantial teaching element. The Scholarships are open to DPhil students from any Oxford College. In addition to payment for teaching, the postholder is entitled to the usual benefits of postgraduate scholarships. These scholarships are advertised on our Vacancies page.

See the latest College vacancies

Other Scholarships

The College currently offers 20 types of postgraduate scholarships, including some which are open to current students. 3-4 Scholarships are offered each year to postgraduates at Oriel who have shown academic merit. These scholarships are advertised at the page below.

See the list of Postgraduate Scholarships

Travel Grants

Undergraduate and Postgraduate students can apply to the College’s Travel Grants Fund for financial support to assist with travel related to their studies. Students often apply for funding to attend and present papers at academic conferences, to do research outside of Oxford, and to take part in training opportunities that will enhance their understanding of their fields. Please note that there is a cap of £1,400 for each student for the duration of their degree, with individual awards unlikely to be over £850.

The Travel Grants Committee meets termly to consider applications. If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate Officer, or drop by the Academic Office in Staircase 5.

Contact the Graduate Officer

Financial Assistance Funds

The College is able to assist students who run into unexpected financial difficulty via the Financial Assistance Fund. In particular, support is available to assist graduates to complete their degree after their core funding period has ended. Applications can be made termly, and can be made in conjunction with the Oxford Assistance Fund. Current students can find out more by contacting the Governance Officer.

Contact the Governance Officer

Support with Extracurricular Pursuits

The College is able to offer support for postgraduate students taking courses* with the Oxford University Language Centre. Upon receipt of a certificate of completion and proof of course payment, Oriel will cover 50% of the cost of a course. Current students can find out more by contacting the Academic Assistant.

The College is also able to provide reimbursements for sport subscriptions for Blues athletes. Please contact the Senior Dean, Juliane Kerkhecker, to arrange this.

*Note: Contributions will only be made towards term-time language courses and do not extend to pre-sessional English courses.

Contact the Senior Dean

further information

Postgraduate study

Living at Oriel

Supporting your welfare