We are pleased to announce that Patrick Farrell, Fellow & Tutor in Mathematics, has been awarded the title of Professor of Scientific Computing in the University of Oxford’s recognition of distinction exercise.
Within the University of Oxford Mathematical Institute, Professor Farrell is part of the Numerical Analysis group of the University of Oxford. His research lies at the junction of mathematics, physics, engineering, and computation.
After working as a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College London, Professor Farrell won an EPSRC Early Career Research Fellowship and moved to the Mathematical Institute and Christ Church College in 2013. In 2015 he won the quadrennial Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software and an IMA Leslie Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis.
Professor Farrell’s work is on the numerical simulation of physical phenomena using partial differential equations. A particular focus is on the problem of automatically deriving adjoint models, which are essential for uses such as weather prediction, optimising the shape of aircraft, and quantifying the accuracy of nuclear simulations.
You can find out more about Professor Farrell’s research and publications on his website, or you can view his Oriel profile here.