BPhil, MA, DPhil
Oliver Pooley read Physics and Philosophy at Balliol College, and took Part III of the Maths Tripos at St John’s College, Cambridge, before returning to Oxford to do graduate work in Philosophy.
Before taking up his current position at Oriel, he held a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship and college lectureship at Exeter College, Oxford.
In addition to the philosophy of physics, Oliver’s teaching interests include logic, metaphysics and epistemology, the philosophy of language, and the philosophy of science.
If you are thinking of applying to Oxford to read Physics and Philosophy, the following suggested background reading might be useful.
Most of his research is in the philosophy of physics, where he is especially interested in topics that overlap with metaphysics and the philosophy of language. He is completing a book called The Reality of Spacetime, under contract with Oxford University Press.