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Professor Andrew Boothroyd

MA (MA, PhD Camb)

Professor Boothroyd has been a physics tutor at Oriel since 1992 and is a member of the Quantum Materials and Condensed Matter Physics research groups, as well as leader of the X-ray and Neutron Scattering group in the Department of Physics.

Research Interests

Professor Boothroyd’s speciality is condensed matter physics, and he is particularly interested in quantum materials. These are substances in which the electrons behave cooperatively to produce strange and useful phenomena, such as superconductivity and magnetism. More details can be found on his research group website here.

The famous theoretical physicist Richard P. Feynman said that investigations into physics should be motivated principally by curiosity. At Oriel, students are encouraged to think about physical phenomena and be curious about their origin. The goal is to find simple laws that govern the behaviour of complex systems. The analytical and logical skills acquired through studying physics find great applicability in many different occupations.

Selected Publications


A general textbook on neutron scattering techniques by Andrew T. Boothroyd Oxford University Press, Oxford (2020)

Andrew T. Boothroyd Contemporary Physics 63 (2022) 305 (arXiv:2307.16258)

Jian-Rui Soh, Alessandro Bombardi, Frédéric Mila, Marein C. Rahn, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Sonia Francoual, Henrik M. Rønnow and Andrew T. Boothroyd Nature Communications 14 (2023) 3387 (open access)

Noriki Terada, Dmitry D. Khalyavin, Pascal Manuel, Fabio Orlandi, Christopher J. Ridley, Craig L. Bull, Ryota Ono, Igor Solovyev, Takashi Naka, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Andrew T. Boothroyd Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 (2022) 217601

Viviane Peçanha-Antonio, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Christian Balz, Aleksandra Krajewska, and Andrew T. Boothroyd Phys. Rev. B 105 (2022) 104422 (Editors’ Suggestion) (arXiv:2111.04707 )

J-R. Soh, S. M. Tobin, H. Su, I. Zivkovic, B. Ouladdiaf, A. Stunault, J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán, K. Beauvois, Y-F. Guo, and A. T. Boothroyd Phys. Rev. B 104 (2021) L161103 (Editors’ Suggestion) (arXiv:2107.02857)

To see more of Dr. Boothroyd’s publications, click here.