Nick Eyre is Professor of Energy and Climate Policy in the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) at the University of Oxford, and Director of the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS).
He has worked on energy efficiency and the environmental impacts of energy use, in particular climate change, for over 20 years. Prior to taking up his role as Director of CREDS, Nick was a Jackson Senior Research Fellow at Oriel.
Before coming to Oxford, Nick was Director of Strategy at the Energy Saving Trust, the leading independent body promoting energy efficiency to UK households. He has an MA in Physics and D.Phil in Nuclear Physics from the University of Oxford.
Research Interests
Nick’s research focuses on energy demand, in particular public policy to promote energy efficiency and reductions in energy use. He is a Co-Director of the UK Energy Research Centre that brings together energy researchers from across UK higher education. His long term research interest is the role of public policy in reducing energy demand and improving energy efficiency, in the context that progress will require a combination of technical, social and policy change. His current research interests cover: Energy demand in energy market reform; market based instruments for energy efficiency; energy demand in the transition to a low carbon society; the role of local government, trade groups and local communities in energy; the interaction energy systems with other components of infrastructure.
Selected Publications
- Rosenow, J. and Eyre, N. (2016) A post mortem of the Green Deal: Austerity, Energy Efficiency and Failure in British Energy Policy. Energy Research and Social Science.
- Rosenow, J., Fawcett, T., Eyre, N. and Oikonomou, V. (2016) Energy efficiency and the policy mix. Building Research and Information, 44(5-6): 562-574.
- Rosenow, J., Leguijt, C., Pató, Z., Eyre, N. and Fawcett, T. (2016) An ex-ante evaluation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive -Article 7. Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 5(2).
- Eyre, N. and Baruah, P. (2015) Uncertainties in future energy demand in UK residential heating. Energy Policy.
- Eyre, N., Fawcett, T., Spyridaki, N., Oikonomou, V., Tourkolias, C. and Barbero, V. (2015) Energy Saving Policies and Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme. ENSPOL Energy Saving Policies.
- Fawcett, T., Eyre, N. and Layberry, R. (2015) Heat pumps and global residential heating. Proceedings of ECEEE Summer Study, 1-6 June 2015 (Presqu’île de Giens, France). Vol. 1 – Foundations of Future Energy Policy European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy,, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Gupta, R., Eyre, N., Darby, S., Lucas, K., Barnfield, L., Hamilton, J., Mayne, R., Gregg, M., Fratter, C. and Irving, B. (2015) Evaluating the impacts, effectiveness and success of low carbon communities on localised energy behaviours (EVALOC). Final Report, Oxford Brookes University and University of Oxford, Oxford.
- Killip, G., Eyre, N., Brand, C. and Patrick, J. (2015) Making the local economic case for low carbon – an Oxfordshire case study. Paper 3-253-15, eceee 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency, Toulon/Hyères, France, 1st-6th June 2015.
- Qadrdan, M., Chaudry, M., Jenkins, N., Baruah, P. and Eyre, N. (2015) Impact of transition to a low carbon power system on the GB gas network.Applied Energy, 151: 1-12.
- Rosenow, J. and Eyre, N. (2015) Re-energising the UK’s approach to domestic energy efficiency. . Paper 2-001-15, eceee 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency, Toulon /Hyères, France, 1st-6th June 2015.
- Wade, J. and Eyre, N. (2015) Energy Efficiency Evaluation: The evidence for real energy savings from energy efficiency programmes in the household sector. UKERC Report UKERC/RR/TPA/2015/001, London.
- Wade, J. and Eyre, N. (2015) Evaluation Good Practice: is ‘good enough’ better than ‘perfect’? Paper 8-099-15, eceee 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency, Toulon /Hyères, France, 1st-6th June 2015.
- Baruah, P., Eyre, N., Norman, J., Griffins, P. and Hammond, G. (2014) Firm-level perspective of energy efficiency barriers and drivers in UK industry – indications from an online survey. In Proc. 2014 BEHAVE Energy Conference, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK.
- Baruah, P., Eyre, N., Qadrdan, M., Chaudry, M. and Hall, J. (2014) Deep decarbonisation scenarios of the UK energy system with demand-side options and renewable energy.. In Proc. 2014 Grand Renewable Energy International Conference and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan.
- Baruah, P.J., Eyre, N., Qadrdan, M., Chaudry, M., Blainey, S., Hall, J.W., Jenkins, N. and Tran, M. (2014) Energy system impacts from heat and transport electrification. Proceedings of the ICE – Energy, 167(3): 139-151.
- Bradshaw, M., Butler, C., Demski, C., Ekins, P., Eyre, N., Gross, R., Holland, R., McGlade, C., Mitchell, C., Parkhill, K., Pidgeon, N., Skea, J., Spence, A. and Watson, J. (2014) UK Energy in a Global Context – Synthesis Report. UKERC, London.
- Eyre, N. and Baruah, P. (2014) Residential Heating Policy for a Low Carbon World: A Case Study of UK Scenarios.. 2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
- Eyre, N. and Baruah, P. (2014) UK Energy Strategies Under Uncertainty: Uncertainties in Energy Demand in Residential Heating. UK Energy Research Centre, UK.
- Fawcett, T., Layberry, R. and Eyre, N. (2014) Electrification of heating: The role of heat pumps.. BIEE conference, Oxford, 17-18 September 2014.
- Hall, J., Henriques, J., Hickford, A., Nicholls, R., Baruah, P., Birkin, M., Chaudry, M., Curtis, T., Eyre, N., Jones, C., Kilsby, C., Leathard, A., Lorenz, A., Malleson, N., McLeod, F., Powrie, W., Preston, J., Rai, N., Street, R., Stringfellow, A., Thoung, C., Tyler, P., Velykiene, R., Watson, G. and Watson, J. (2014) Assessing the Long-Term Performance of Cross-Sectoral Strategies for National Infrastructure. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 20(3).
- Johan, R., Guy, B., Brian, H., Wolfgang, L., Schellnhuber, J., Kabat, J., Nakicenovic, N., Gong, P., Schlosser, P., Manez, M., Humble, A., Eyre, N., Gleick, P., James, R., Lucena, A., Masera, O., Moench, M., Schaeffer, R., Seitzinger, S., van der leeuw, S., Ward, B., Stern, N., Hurrell, J., Srivastava, L., Morgan, J., Nobre, C., Sokona, Y., Cremades, R., Roth, E., Liverman, D. and Arnott, J. (2014) Climate change: the necessary, the possible and the desirable. Earth’s Future.
- Lucon, O., Urge-Vorsatz, D., Ahmed, A.Z., Akbari, H., Bertoldi, P., Cabeza, L.F., Eyre, N., Gadgil, A., Harvey, L.D.D., Jiang, Y., Liphoto, E., Mirasgedis, S., Murakami, S., Parikh, J., Pyke, C. and Vilariño, M.V. (2014) Buildings.Chapter 9 in, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 5th Assessment Report, Working Group III Cambirdge University Press, UK.
- Patrick, J., Killip, G., Brand, C., Augustine, A. and Eyre, N. (2014) Oxfordshire’s Low Carbon Economy. Environmental Change Institute and Low Carbon Oxford.
- Rohde, C., Rosenow, J., Eyre, N. and Giraudet, L. (2014) Energy saving obligations—cutting the Gordian Knot of leverage? Energy Efficiency.
- Tran, M., Hall, J., Hickford, A., Nicholls, R., Alderson, D., Barr, S., Baruah, P., Beavan, R., Birkin, M., Blainey, S., Byers, E., Chaudry, M., Curtis, T., Ebrahimy, R., Eyre, N., Hiteva, R., Jenkins, N., Jones, C., Kilsby, C., Leathard, A., Manning, L., Otto, A., Oughton, E., Powrie, W., Preston, J., Qadrdan, M., Thoung, C., Tyler, P., Watson, J., Watson, G. and Zuo, C. (2014) National infrastructure assessment: Analysis of options for infrastructure provision in Great Britain, Interim results. Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. ISBN: 978-1-874370-52-9.
- Watson, J., Fross, R., Ketsopoulou, I. and Winskel, M. (2014) UK Energy Strategies Under Uncertainty – Synthesis Report. UK Energy Research Centre, London.