Oriel offers three or more Scholarships to members of the College currently pursuing a graduate course by thesis or examination (BPhil, MPhil, DPhil, MLitt, MSt, MSc, PRS). Please note these scholarships can only be awarded to research degrees of more than one year. The Scholarships are effective from 1 October 2025 and are awarded for academic merit. It is also intended that these scholarships will benefit students who do not have a full funding package.
They are awarded for one year in the first instance, but are renewable for a second year and, exceptionally, for a third year. Applications take place in Hilary Term, with awards coming into effect the following Michaelmas Term. All awards will be conditional on satisfactory academic achievement and progress, based on examination performance (where applicable) and supervisors’ reports. Award holders must remain registered students at Oriel for the duration of the award.
A scholarship of £3,205 will be offered as well as limited dining rights. The Scholars are also entitled to accommodation at the usual charges, with couples’ accommodation subject to availability, either on the main site or in other College accommodation.
Status: Closed for applications for Michaelmas Term 2024 entry. Next award Michaelmas Term 2025.