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Peter Tatchell on ‘Future Sex: The End of Gay’

During his talk, drawing on research, polls and surveys, Peter took the audience “on a journey to examine the future evolution of human sexuality and its implications for both the LGBT and straight communities”. He looked at where we are now on a global scale (with the general direction of travel being towards the acceptance of homosexuality) and how things might develop in the future.

He argues that we might be moving towards a future in which the distinctions between homosexuality and heterosexuality no longer matter, and where human sexuality is no longer thought of in binary terms. In this future, if heterosexuality is not privileged over any other sexuality, then will people need to label themselves as ‘straight’ or ‘gay’ or ‘bisexual’, or will these labels cease to be relevant?

About the David N. Lyon Speaker Series

Oriel College is proud to present the David N. Lyon Speaker Series: ‘The Politics of Sex and Gender in Diverse Societies’, the first of its kind in the University of Oxford, examining tension arising from conflicting cultural traditions in society. To book future events in this series, visit…

Watch Peter Tatchell’s Talk