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Dr Amirmohammed Farzaneh

BSc, DPhil

Amirmohammed Farzaneh is a lecturer at Oriel College and a DPhil candidate at the Department of Engineering Science under the supervision of Professor Justin Coon. He received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

Amirmohammed’s research currently focuses on the intersection of Information Theory and Network Science. He is attempting to quantify the complexity of network topologies using information-theoretic metrics, and trying to compress these topologies to their theoretical limits. Amirmohammed also aims to explore the applications of his research in areas such as network routing and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs).

Research Interests

Communication systems, Information theory, Machine learning

Selected Publications

  • Farzaneh, Amirmohammad, Justin P. Coon, and Mihai-Alin Badiu. “Kolmogorov basic graphs and their application in network complexity analysis.” Entropy 23.12 (2021): 1604.
  • Farzaneh, Amirmohammad, and Justin P. Coon. “An information theory approach to network evolution models.” Journal of Complex Networks 10.3 (2022): cnac020.
  • Farzaneh, Amirmohammad, Mihai-Alin Badiu, and Justin P. Coon. “TreeExplorer: a coding algorithm for rooted trees with application to wireless and ad hoc routing.” 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall). IEEE, 2022.