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Engineering Science

Engineering Science is a four-year course leading to the degree of Master of Engineering.

The first year is common to all the engineering-related degrees, with study of mathematics, structures, mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, electronics, and computing. In the second and third years undergraduates study these subjects to a higher level, but also move towards specializing in a particular branch of engineering, completing a group design project in the third year. Throughout the course there is a strong emphasis on design and project-based practical work.

Lectures and practicals take place in the Department of Engineering Science and are complemented by weekly tutorials in the College, where undergraduates, usually in pairs, explore topics in depth with their tutor. Oriel provides strong and experienced tutorial support; the engineering tutors are also active researchers, with specific interests in electronics, optoelectronics, mechanics of materials, communications, networks, quantum estimation and applied mathematics. Oriel’s excellent College Library is able to provide all undergraduates with key textbooks on long loan.

Engineering graduates easily find employment in engineering, commerce and other areas and there are also many opportunities for postgraduate study.

Macdonald Prizes in Engineering

In support of excellence in Engineering Science and through the generosity of a College benefactor, Oriel offers two Macdonald Prizes in Engineering each year. These prizes, currently valued at £500 each, are awarded to students completing examinations at the end of the first and third years of the course. Oriel also offers a number of smaller academic prizes and other scholarships, as well as support for students with financial hardship.

Admission Criteria

All candidates for the Engineering course must take the Physics Aptitude Test (PAT), usually in November each year. Conditional offers are usually Grades A*A*A at A-Level (or equivalent) including Mathematics and Physics. The A*s must be obtained in Mathematics, Physics or Further Mathematics if taken.


Department of Engineering Science

Teaching Staff

Organising Tutor
Dr John Huber

T.I. Fellow & Tutor in Engineering Science

Dr Phil Grünewald

Supernumerary Research Fellow and Tutor in Engineering Science

Andrew Paul Ceruzzi

Non-Stipendiary Lecturer in Engineering Science

Dr Amirmohammed Farzaneh

College Lecturer in Engineering Science

Organising Tutor
Professor Justin Coon

Emmott Fellow & Professor of Engineering Science


Computer Science

Number of places 4 Admission Criteria Candidates sit a written Mathematics test in schools before being shortlisted for interview. Conditional offers: usually A*AA at A-level (or equivalent), including Mathematics and Further Mathematics if taken, with the A* in Mathematics, Further Mathematics or Computing/Computer Science.


Number of places 6 Admission Criteria All candidates must sit the Admissions Test for Mathematics. Conditional offers: A*A*A at A-Level (or equivalent) with the A*s in Mathematics and Further Mathematics (if taken). The majority of entrants have two A-Levels in mathematics. Applicants with only one mathematics A-level are not at a disadvantage in the competition for places, but successful candidates have more preparation to do over the summer before they start their course.

Mathematics and Computer Science

Number of places 2 Admission Criteria Conditional offers: usually A*AA at A-level (or equivalent), including Mathematics and Further Mathematics if taken, with the A* in Mathematics or Further Mathematics.

Mathematics and Philosophy

Number of places 1 or 2 Admission Criteria A-levels or equivalent: A*A*A with the A*s in Mathematics and Further Mathematics (if taken).


Number of places 5 or 6 Admission Criteria All applicants must take the Physics Aptitude Test (PAT) in school or at a test centre in early November. No written work required. Typical offers: A*AA at A-Level (or equivalent) including A*, A in Physics and Maths.

Physics and Philosophy

Number of places 2 Admission Criteria Typical offers: A*AA at A-Level (or equivalent) including A*, A in Physics and Maths. Applying for Physics and Philosophy, rather than for Physics, will not reduce your chance of admission. Applicants for both degrees are considered as a gathered field and applicants to Oriel for Physics and Philosophy are automatically considered for a place to read straight Physics. All applicants must take the Physics Aptitude Test (PAT) in school or at a test centre in early November.  

What next?

Applying to Oriel

Fees and funding

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