Dr Kobi Kremnitzer received his PhD in 2005 from Tel-Aviv University under the supervision of Professor Joseph Bernstein.
He then spent 3 years at MIT as a Moore Instructor. In 2008-2009 he was an assistant professor at the University of Chicago. Since 2009 he has been a lecturer at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford and Fellow and tutor at Oriel.
Geometric representation theory, quantum groups, category theory, chiral algebras.
Dr Kremnitzer’s research area is geometric representation theory. Representation theory is the study of symmetries. There are many different kinds of symmetries and they are formalized by algebraic structures. Historically representation theory was part of algebra. In the 1970s and 1980s it was discovered that the tools and perspective of geometry can be used to solve and understand problems in representation theory. Geometry is very powerful because it deals with understanding global and complicated objects by their local (and simple) nature. This led to solving of conjectures using geometric tools (the theory of D-modules) where there are no known purely algebraic solutions. It also led to the development of new theories such as the geometric Langlands programme. Dr Kremnitzer’s work is also related to quantum field theory.